Fun at the Farmer’s Market!

Fun at the Farmer’s Market!

As we move from summer to fall, we are excited about the positive impacts on the environment with the return of our Food Scraps & Recycling Program in Twin Rivers Unified School District (TRUSD). TRUSD is reintroducing their Farmer’s Market at K-8th elementary schools in the district to sample local, healthy produce to students. These markets encourage students to make […]

The California Youth Advocacy Conference Recap: Empowering Youth for Change and Connection

The California Youth Advocacy Conference Recap: Empowering Youth for Change and Connection

In July, Breathe CA staff and Youth Advisory Board members had the opportunity to attend the California Youth Advocacy Network’s (CYAN) annual Youth Advocacy Conference at the gorgeous Happy Valley Conference Center in Santa Cruz. With towering redwoods and light fog, the setting offered a refreshing escape from the scorching Sacramento heat and the conference provided the opportunity for youth […]

Why “Doja Cat Vaping” is a Trending Search

Why “Doja Cat Vaping” is a Trending Search

In the world of social media and celebrity culture, fans often follow their favorite stars as they navigate personal challenges, life changes, accomplishments, and struggles. One star who is known for sharing their life with fans online is Grammy winning rapper Doja Cat, who has gained popularity after two of her songs became viral TikTok sounds in 2020. Doja Cat […]

Walk on the Wildside: Celebrating Environmental Conservation

Walk on the Wildside: Celebrating Environmental Conservation

The health of the environment is directly threatened by air pollution. Safeguarding our environment and air quality becomes the key to preserving lung health, for thriving wildlife habitats and ensuring a brighter future for all. Last month, our Food Scraps & Recycling team represented BREATHE at the Walk on the Wildside at the beautiful Bufferlands in Sacramento. This remarkable gathering […]

Tobacco Litter Pick-Up

Tobacco Litter Pick-Up

Since 1917, Breathe California Sacramento Region has been advocating for clean air and healthy lungs through education, community involvement and creative solutions to impact policy. Thanks to our volunteers and continued financial support from the community, Breathe is one of the oldest and most active nonprofits in the Sacramento area. Our focus now is to keep our communities smoke-free, which includes […]

Capitol Information & Education Days

Capitol Information & Education Days

The Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement hosted its first in-person Capitol Information & Education Days (I&E Days) in the post COVID-19 era on May 8-9th. Open to all CTCP-funded projects and the community at large, Breathe CA Sacramento Region showed up to help our policy makers understand the importance of tobacco control and tobacco’s impact on our communities. 225 of […]

Smoke-Free Screens Now Recruiting

Smoke-Free Screens Now Recruiting

Are you between 14-24 and enjoy watching movies? Know someone who does? Then keep reading! Our Smoke-Free Screens program is recruiting new volunteers to review movies for tobacco content. Smoke-Free Screens is a data-collection partnership between Breathe California and Truth Initiative that examines the presence of commercial tobacco products across different media, including movies, TV shows, social media, music videos, […]

Tobacco Takes the Spotlight

Tobacco Takes the Spotlight

Truth Initiative’s fifth annual “While You Were Streaming” report analyzes tobacco imagery in popular entertainment and provides shocking statistics exposing how tobacco takes the spotlight across a myriad of platforms. We at Breathe California play a special role in this study as our youth provide the raw data for this report. Through our Smoke-free Screens Program, we give youth a […]

And the Oscar Goes to…

And the Oscar Goes to…

And the Oscar goes to…Tobacco. Unfortunately, tobacco imagery continues to dominate the films nominated for the Academy Awards. Under the direction of our partner Truth Initiative, Breathe’s Smoke-free Screens youth coded 39 Oscar-nominated films. According to the Truth Initiative’s analysis of the total 39 Oscar-nominated films screened, 28 nominations contained tobacco imagery, or 71.7%   In spite of efforts of many […]

BREATHE and K-Kids Bring Food scraps to Babcock Elementary

BREATHE and K-Kids Bring Food scraps to Babcock Elementary

We are proud to say that our Food Scraps programs have helped students to learn how to properly dispose of their food scraps, helped to divert food waste from piling up in landfills, and reduced carbon emissions. Teachers are also proud of their students, especially one of Babcock Elementary’s 3rd grade teachers, Brittoni Ward. Keep reading to hear Brittoni’s account […]