What is your Clean Air Pledge?

What is your Clean Air Pledge?

Have you taken a clean air pledge this year? October in California presents us with an interesting opportunity to re-visit our individual and collective efforts to make a difference in the air we all breathe. For decades, BREATHE has advocated for small changes to help us achieve our goal of improved air quality for healthy lungs. You can make a […]

Hydration: Reflections from a Hot Summer

Hydration: Reflections from a Hot Summer

Hopefully, this finds you looking forward to the Breathe Bike Trek and all those exhilarating miles you’ll be riding in scenic Placer County. Please remember the importance of GOOD HYDRATION while you’re out there, especially in warm weather! As someone who usually doesn’t drink much when out riding, I found myself hitting a metabolic wall this summer as I started […]

The National Conference on Tobacco or Health

The National Conference on Tobacco or Health

The National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) is one of the largest, long-standing gatherings for top United States tobacco control professionals. The conference attracts a diverse group of public health professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in examining the latest evidence on best practices in tobacco control and how to apply current research findings to tobacco control policy, advocacy, and […]

Fighting Food Waste

Fighting Food Waste

Did you know that in the United States, we waste about 108 billion pounds of food every year? That means that about 30-40 percent of the U.S. food supply ends up in the trash can where it is then sent to the landfill. While more food scraps are being collected for compost due to new California state mandates, food waste […]

My First Cap to Cap Experience

My First Cap to Cap Experience

On Saturday, April 30, I joined 300 regional delegates, as we embarked on the Sacramento Metro Chamber’s 50th annual Capital to Capital (C2C) advocacy trip to Washington DC. Our delegation included, elected officials, business leaders, nonprofit and community organizations, and advocates, that united around advocacy for the Sacramento Region. There are representatives of all six counties and 22 cities that […]

May is Bike Month

May is Bike Month

This year, BREATHE is proud to announce we are one of the organizations sponsoring May is Bike Month! Our friends and partners, Sacramento Area Bicycling Advocates (SABA), are hosting May is Bike Month this year. May is Bike Month is a region-ride event that promotes bicycling, and the resulting health benefits for us and for the environment. Bicyclers in the […]

Cycling Blog Series – One: Cycle Safety

Cycling Blog Series – One: Cycle Safety

At BREATHE, cycling has been an important part of our culture for over three decades. Starting in the mid-80’s, we brought hundreds of people together every year for the Emigrant Trails Bike Trek, where we celebrated the joys of a healthy and adventurous lifestyle, while raising funds for our organization’s most important programs. We’ve worked with other non-profits to promote […]

Report Finds Tobacco Imagery Persists in Media Viewed by Youth

Report Finds Tobacco Imagery Persists in Media Viewed by Youth

Since 2002, Breathe’s Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down! (TUTD) project has collaborated with the Truth Initiative and partners from the University of Chicago, NORC and predecessors from University of California, San Francisco. Breathe staff and youth partners collect data on the depiction of tobacco products in top grossing movies as well as the most popular television and streaming shows on platforms […]

Tobacco Waste Cleanup at the American River Parkway

Tobacco Waste Cleanup at the American River Parkway

Simply look around. Tobacco litter is everywhere: from local grocery store parking lots to San Francisco Beaches to the American River Parkway here in Sacramento. In fact, cigarette butts are the most common toxic waste found in cleanups and can make up 37 percent of the total waste in California. Tobacco does not just impact the health of individuals; it […]