How Can I Make Every Day Earth Day?
April 22nd marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. This year, we were not be able to celebrate in large gatherings, but we can still represent the Earth while practicing safe social distancing protocols. We can still focus on reflection everyday, and remember why we need to make the Earth a priority.
Why should we take care of our Earth? What choices can I personally make to help keep our earth healthy? Websites like CarbonFootprint.com have a calculator where you can input some information about the kinds of products you use throughout your daily routine, or the transportation you use to travel, and calculate your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide you emit. Or search in your browser of choice about “How to go waste free,” I promise you, it will yield plenty of search results to start this process. Being conscious about your own effects on earth is the best thing you can do this Earth Day. Making just small changes to be more environmentally conscious can make a huge difference. After all, change begins with yourself.
This year the Environmental Council of Sacramento is hosted a Climate Chalk Out Event. But if you can safely do so, you can go out and decorate your local side walks with chalk messages and illustrations about Earth Day. If you cannot safely go out to more heavily trafficked areas right now to spread this message, start with your sidewalk right outside your door! You can spread the word to your neighbors and this could be a great activity for the kids. If it’s not raining then chalk can be a great way to get creative and remind your friends and neighbors of our impact on the Earth.
CyanOnline.org has resources for cleaning up discarded cigarette butts around in your community. What better way to help make the world a cleaner place by going out and actually cleaning it! Cyan has information about how to safely do this, and even information about helping you quit smoking and vaping. There are also some interesting tobacco facts about the effects of tobacco products on the environment. (Did you know 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered every year?) #LiveTobaccoFree not only for your own health, but for the health of the planet!
Check out your local restaurants to see what environmentally friendly options you can order for pick up. Bonus: Grab your helmet and figure out a route to safely bike there for pick up! See what restaurants in your area offer environmentally conscious menus. I encourage you to explore restaurants that are environmentally conscious year-round. Do some research and see what local restaurants you can support that help to support the environment. Whether that is through an environmentally sustainable menu selection or restaurants that partner with organizations to help prevent food waste, choosing to support these environmentally friendly restaurants over others that might not be, helps to encourage other restaurants with less-sustainable policies to improve their practices.
Another great virtual activity to do is to visit your favorite environmental organizations’ social media pages and websites. Explore what organizations and nonprofits are doing in your community to help improve the Earth and your local community. Not only will you learn more about the work being done for the environment, you can check into any volunteer opportunities that might be happening when social distancing protocols are lifted. If you have some spare cash, you can donate to your favorite environmental organization of your choice to help improve the Earth, starting with your own community.
Everyday can be Earth Day if we continue to support each other and care for the only planet we have. Together we can make a difference one step at a time.